industry information management
-process technology trend 行业及其流程技术趋势
-investment plan and trend (mid to long term) 了解投资计划及趋势(中长期)
-industry requirement (certificates, equipment tests, standards) 了解并熟悉行业需求(证书、设备测试、标准)
-government policy and trend 收集政府政策趋势
industry expertise
-understand the typical production process of the industry 熟悉行业内典型的生产制造过程
-understand and define key applications and solutions 了解并确立关键应用和cq9电子平台网站的解决方案
-understand key product 熟悉行业中的关键产品
-prepare and maintain industry related learning material 准备并维护行业相关的学习资料
-explore and push new process with high potential (lng, cementing…) 在潜在应用场合研究并推行新的过程方案
competition know how
-customer development (cooperation with v-process)
-key players in the industry 行业内主要竞争对手
-customer development analysis 客户发展分析
-actual business – potential business 现有业务 - 潜在业务
-cross selling factor (which product is the customer buying) 多产品销售比例
-competition situation 竞争对手情况
-define customer development plan ( v & pm & s) 制定客户发展计划
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